Arnold Schwarzenegger |
When we talk about the career success of Arnold Schwarzenegger from California, we always refer to him as Mr. Universe from Austria, and his acting in "The Terminator" became a significant turning point in this career. And on one screen in that movie, he said "I will be back", which became a classic quote. The same quote had been used by MacArthur when he retreated from the Philippines during WW2.
M Manoharan |
On 23th September, the DAP Disciplinary Committee announced that, Bentayan assemblyperson Gwee Tong Hiang who was involved in the misuse of DAP Bakri's fund and, Kota Alam Shah assemblyperson M Manoharan for his controversial remarks over the national flag had been both handed a six-months suspension. After that, both of them appealed against the suspension. Manoharan had his backup from HINDRAF and hence, received a warning. But unfortunately, Gwee, who is a henchman of Lim Guan Eng, still has to carry out the six-months suspension meted out to him.
Tan Kok Wai |
Nevertheless, Gwee is no Arnold. He is very short. His height is not more then 5'4'' (160cm). Compared with DAP Disciplinary Committee Chairman, Tan Kok Wai, who sentenced him to the death of his political career, he is even shorter than Tan. One tends to be psychologically disturbed when another person, who is not as good as him/her, looks down on one. Compared to Tan, who is taller, and Ronnie Liu, who is far notorious, Gwee's current situation may make people feel sympathetic towards him.
Ronnie Liu Tian Khiew |
People say that the coming GE will be held before or after CNY. This means that, even with Gwee's announcement that "I will be back", he will still lose his chance to contest in the 13th GE since his party membership will not be restored well after April of 2012. Ronnie Liu Tian Khiew, who has a nick name "Tī Gong Kia" (in traditional Chinese belief, one who receives blessings from God), denied that he authorized Teo Boon Hock the authority to sign on his behalf, and that he had joint-ventures with local gangster to open nightclubs. This "Tī Gong Kia" of Johor was in fact handed a proper strict application of justice by the disciplinary committee, the result of which was completely, innocently unintentional.
"No, I gonna stop him from doing that”, this is a typical script used in a movie, but politicians like to use it too. Eventually, Gwee decided to write a script, with poor grammar. For instance, a member from his own clan association (Wee clan association base on JB) asked him to quit the party. He managed to use a recorder to record the conversation, and he wanted to test DAP CEC's response (especially to LGE).
(left) Tony Pua, Fong Kui Lun, Gwee Tong Hiang, Tan Kok Wai, Pang Hok Liong |
On 1st October, Gwee was accompanied by Pang Hok Liong and appeared at a press conference held at DAP HQ. He made the allegation in front of Tan Kok Wai, Tony Pua and media reporters that, BN top leaders had offered RM 150,000 cash and a RM5000 monthly subsidy, plus 50 acres of land as his term and condition to quit DAP. And Gwee cried at the press conference, proclaiming that he only loved DAP forever.
Gwee Tong Hiang cried in front of the media |
Of course you can't compare Gwee with Perak state assembly deputy speaker Hee Yit Foong. Besides comforting Gwee, Tan Kok Wai said he was proud of him etc. So, this is the end of the first part of Gwee's version of "The Terminator" with crying in front of the media as the climax, but the box office is not what he had expected. LGE did not even want to answer his call.
Hee Yit Foong
The theatrical sad performance did not succeed, and that broke Gwee's heart. And "The Terminator 2" must be shot, or else, he might lose his remuneration. A petty guy like Gwee has no choice but to accept the adapted version of the script.
"How about a hot chick in his new script? How about a Bond's Girl in the new movie?" Gwee was desperate and kept thinking of making a best script to win his Oscar Award. A person appears in his mind, and he is Teo Chin Liang -- Teo Nie Ching's father. And becouse of the requirement of the script, Gwee must push for his best performance, in order to complete his impposible mission in this game, and to do so, he has to try his very best to sabotage the election campaign in this so-called PR's "frontline state". And eventually, "The Terminator 2" turn out become a spy movie. The only difference is that, Gwee becomes the bad guy in the movie, and this is the fault of the movie director.
At the end of October 2011, Gwee asked his supporters to demonstrate with a banner to "support Boo Cheng Hau to chop off chicken head". For those who are not familiar with chinese calture, chopping chicken head is equivalent to swear to the holy book in Christian term or swear to Al-Quran for muslim.
Unfortunately the actors were not performing in the role of the characters and nobody gave a damn about this event. At the same time, Gwee continued to assemble those who were frustrated (too many of them, for example, ex-Bekok Assemblyman Pang Hok Liong, and Pang's frustration is that he wants to contest in Jementah and not the Segamat Parliamentery seat), in order to strike back at DAP (or particularly LGE) because of the suspension action towards him.
(left) Gwee Suh Mei (Gwee Tong Hiang's younger sister), Gwee Tong Hiang, Teo Chin Liang |
On 4th December 2011, Gwee received a RM3000 donation from Teo Chin Liang meant to be a maintainance fee for his new service center. RM3000 is considered "kacang" to Gwee, as he thinks in terms of millions of ringgit. Furthermore, he has kept a few hundred thousand ringgit from DAP fund raising dinners as his personal income. Nevertheless, Gwee is petty enough to accept the offer from Teo. He managed to find some local gangsters as extras, to make the whole scene become epic style and greater, but it is clear the final production is still basically a comedy version of "The Terminator".
Eddie Chang Teck Chee and Teo Eng Ching |
Teo Chin Liang is a veteran DAP member and he has been doing his timber business in Johor. He contested the Mengkibol State Assembly seat during 1986. But during the nomination day, he faced some problems with form filling (or bribed by MCA as some people said), and that made MCA win that seat uncontested. Teo's both daughters joined DAP. They are Teo Nie Ching and Teo Eng Ching. During the 12th GE, Teo Nie Ching won her parliamentery seat at Serdang. But Teo Chin Liang's elder daughter Teo Eng Ching and his son-in-law Eddie Chang Teck Chee who contesetd the Labis Parliamentery seat and Bekok Sate seat but lost. Teo Eng Ching was Johor DAPSY's leader and Eddie Chang Teck Chee is deputy leader at that time. Both of them disappeared after the 12GE. Besides that, Teo Chin Liang 's son-in-law Eddie Chang Teck Chee owed an amount of RM4000 from Johor DAPSY for four years and never repaid the money until recently. His wife Teo Eng Ching plan to stand for election to contest again in Bekok, He returned that amount of money only on November 2011. Owing to this issue, Boo decided not to let both of them to contest in the next GE and that pissed off Teo Chin Liang.
snapshot of MCA youtube video during the demonstration in front of Wetex Parade, Muar.
(second left) Gwee Suh Mei, Khoo Ah Huat |
On 4th December 2011, around 12pm, Gwee's (of course we won't be at that spot) trusted aide, Khoo Ah Huat, has led six members (including Gwee's yonger sister Gwee Suh Mei), together with ten gangsters as extras and demonstrated in front of Wetex Parade, Muar. In front of the public, with a banner, he was shouting slogans, and quarrelling with another group of DAP Bakri's members. MCA's Muar Municipal Councillors were at the scene. They were Fong Soh Lan and Goh Kim Huat, who were both there watching the comic scenario.
fourth poster from right read "Lim Guan Eng. Don't be blindfolded" |
On one banner was written that:"LGE, you don't be blindfolded".
Before the 12GE, the outbreak of the quarrel occurred between the Central factions and local factions in the choice of Bentayan State Assembly seat candidates issue. LGE's preferred candidate was Gwee Tong Hiang and Boo Chen Hau's favourite was Tan Chen Chong. During the domination day, Gwee Tong Hiang and Er Teck Hwa bypassed Johor State Committee's recommendation and receive their authorization from LGE.
For sure, compared to Gwee's tear and his million ringgit remuneration, LGE's eye was blind.
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